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Thursday, October 15, 2009

I feel so free. My mother is being horrible so I have to get off now D:<

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Hello world!♥
Today I'm having Mochi ice cream lol.

Today was History and Geog. I wrote so much my hand is aching now. I bet you Archana and Apoorva are going to score really high. D: History was harder, I think. Gah, I'm going to fail and go to 2F'10. By myself. Because I'm the stupidest in the class, no doubts.
How could you do that to her?! :O

Later I'm going back home by bus with Niki. Thanks Niki for coming with me! :)
I have this really weird neon green umbrella, I hope it doesn't rain. That would be embarrassing.
In the Library now with Nat and Niki. It's freeeeeeeeezing. I can hardly type.

Okay, I better go or else I won't be able to eat lunch at home. Sorry for the lame post. OH AND EDS I CAN'T WAIT FOR KAP! \m/

ally x.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
elephant ballet.

Hey! It's the 6th now. Eight more torturous days to go until we can collapse on our beds and stare at the ceiling/shop at the supermarket :D
One more day to wait for the start of the end of our lives. Irony much?
I'm really scared for Maths, Lit, Geog, History, Chinese and Life Sciences. Okay, most of them. I'm scared that Maths I will be careless, Lit I'll be stupidly brain dead, Geog and History: well, I don't think I will be able to memorise them all, especially the geog essay questions. Chinese, because I suck at it and Life Sciences, because it's too cheem for my puny brain.

Tomorrow is the start of Lisa's PSLE. Good luck to you and six four '08! I'm sure you'll all do really well and probably better than me Remember the time when we thought last year was stressful, now I wish I appreciated last year better because this year is worse. Everyone is so smart and mugs like crazy, when I was in primary school, I didn't even study when there wasn't exams, probably because my school was really laissez-faire.

Yakults rock but they give you belly aches.

Yesterday, Kim and I were in the lab searching funny Singapore words: (to cheer the stressed up):

STEADY POM PEE PEE: An extension of "steady", this is an adjective describing someone's prowess or sang froid, i.e. ability to remain cool under pressure."Wah! Matthew's MCQ is steady pom pee pee one, leh! He no need to study also can get full marks."

PREMBRY: The correct pronunciation of 'primary'."I remember prembry school that time, hor, I was a class monitor."

GOT EYE SEE NO TARZAN/GOT EYE SEE NO OR-YEE-OR : A brilliant example of hand-me-down Singlish wordplay, this bizarre phrase is derived from the Mandarin proverb, you yan jian bu dao tai san: "to have eyes, but be unable to see the large mountain", meaning to be blind, ignorant or clueless. The inclusion of 'Tarzan' is because Edgar Rice Burroughs' famous fictional ape man's name is transliterated as 'Tai San' in Mandarin. And over time, some local wits have morphed the Tarzan reference into his trademark jungle call.1. "Eh, you got eye see no tarzan! You know who that man is or not? He's our new principal! Don't play-play, okay!"2. "Wah lau, that truck so big also can langgar! You got eye see no or-yee-or, is it?"

S.B.C.: Acronym for "Simply Boh Chup"."Wah lau! Parking lot so big, you still park until like that! Damn bloody S.B.C., sial."

Lol :D I like the last one.
Hope you enjoyed. And good luck for your tests. I better go and "mug" now, though I suck at mugging and my memory is as bad as a bunny's. I want an elephant/einstein's brain. :) PLEASE GO AND TAG KIMF'S BLOG BC SHE FINALLY UPDATE - I think.

ally xx

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ugh, they're showing My Family's Got Guts on Nick now. Why can't they show something which is interesting or funny. The girl can't ride a bike?!! My brother, apparently finds it interesting anyhow.

Mum, Dad and Lisa are at some lame ballet thing which is just gross. At least I'm not going. Currently doing my unseen poetry and I'm probably going to do my AEE on Michael tomorrow and print them all out. I have yet to type out Nat's history thing because she hasn't told me which chapter yet, right Lian?
OH MY GOSH THE GIRL FELL OFF A BIKE?! I think they just purposely try and ask these lamos do this so as to make it "interesting". Right.

I don't know why the school must give us so much homework and expect us to study at the same time. I can't wait till the 14th! Freedom for the rest of the year, with no more mohawks and flabs. :) And we'll get to go on computer or do whatever we want without our parents asking us why. And the funfair! Oh the funfair. Trust me, being in MG for 6 years, I think the funfair is really something to look forward to. Cotton candy, popcorn, shopping, activities, bouncy castle, nail/henna/hair braiding, and all that. The principals even have to cook something to sell. Fun, fun, fun. And oh damn, youtube doesn't let me watch iCarly.

Now I'm going to finish up my Unseen and mug. Everyone says they're mugging but I don't know if they really are. Maybe it's just to intimidate others? I have never been so pressure in my life. Everyone in class is so smart I feel so left out. I hate geog and history, fyi.
P.S//Don't think I have to give in to you all the time because you do not own me

Friday, October 2, 2009

Yay hello!
First time posting on the new url. link me! I think I'm paranoid over usernames lol. :)
Today was quite okay. We were actually planning this party to celebrate Childrens' Day but Mrs Loh was sick and I'm lucky Flabbousaurus wasn't here too or else I don't think we'll eat much of the chips. Or she may steal it, saying that it is unhealthy and bring us to cook our own food? ew, not very happy.

I'm meant to be on the computer to do the AEEs (you know the one that is crazy and is not worth doing), maybe it's just an excuse. Well, I better get down to work. It's getting so dark and gloomy it's scary now and it's not even evening. And yay! Mummaye changed the layout of my room again! I get a window bed haha! *inserts heart because I'm too lazy to copy and paste*

Later, if I finish all my work I may head down to the pet shop to check out these cutesye Labradoodles lol. Apparently they're bred or something. Anyhow, I'm still excited as I won't be trapped in my house for the whole day.

Oh and by the way, remember that concert this morning in the concourse, making mrs lim all pissed because it was too noisy? yeah that was my sister and some other people's lame performance, haha. They were performing for the American governer and gorverness ("ambassadoors" of their country.)

Going to go and switch on the lights and start work! :)
ally x