Friday, October 2, 2009
Yay hello!
First time posting on the new url.
Today was quite okay. We were actually planning this party to celebrate Childrens' Day but Mrs Loh was sick and I'm lucky Flabbousaurus wasn't here too or else I don't think we'll eat much of the chips. Or she may steal it, saying that it is unhealthy and bring us to cook our own food? ew, not very happy.
I'm meant to be on the computer to do the AEEs (you know the one that is crazy and is not worth doing), maybe it's just an excuse. Well, I better get down to work. It's getting so dark and gloomy it's scary now and it's not even evening. And yay! Mummaye changed the layout of my room again! I get a window bed haha! *inserts heart because I'm too lazy to copy and paste*
Later, if I finish all my work I may head down to the pet shop to check out these cutesye Labradoodles lol. Apparently they're bred or something. Anyhow, I'm still excited as I won't be trapped in my house for the whole day.
Oh and by the way, remember that concert this morning in the concourse, making mrs lim all pissed because it was too noisy? yeah that was my sister and some other people's lame performance, haha. They were performing for the American governer and gorverness ("ambassadoors" of their country.)
Going to go and switch on the lights and start work! :)
ally x