Sunday, October 11, 2009
Hello world!♥
Today I'm having Mochi ice cream lol.
Today was History and Geog. I wrote so much my hand is aching now. I bet you Archana and Apoorva are going to score really high. D: History was harder, I think. Gah, I'm going to fail and go to 2F'10. By myself. Because I'm the stupidest in the class, no doubts.
Later I'm going back home by bus with Niki. Thanks Niki for coming with me! :)
I have this really weird neon green umbrella, I hope it doesn't rain. That would be embarrassing.
In the Library now with Nat and Niki. It's freeeeeeeeezing. I can hardly type.
Okay, I better go or else I won't be able to eat lunch at home. Sorry for the lame post. OH AND EDS I CAN'T WAIT FOR KAP! \m/
ally x.